BIG REHEARSAL DAY sun 24th feb

for anyone in the orchestra or choir to air views and find out about stuff
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BIG REHEARSAL DAY sun 24th feb

Post by jessemorning »

Here's the plan:
1:45pm get in. all Hallows hall, all hallows rd, easton.
2-4pm sub rehearsals for Guitars, woodwinds, winds and strings
4-6pm General rehearsal - everyone please
6-7pm percussion rehearsal + choir rehearsal
if you need anything from me before that please let me know asap: midi files, mp3s, more music etc

you can listen to the album here ... es/s-30zSO
and friends can pre-order it here: ... er-stories

lastly everyone please keep boosting the album launch
FB event here:

the tickets are currently £10 each but fantasy members can buy them for £7 using the code ADVENTURES on checkout

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