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Camille and Chris wedding party

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 4:30 pm
by georgianalowe
Saturday 11th September
Bogoso, Boiling Wells Lane, St Werburghs.
7pm till late, performance probably beginning at 9.30pm.
Doodle poll for performers: ... g/viewform
If coming just as guest, please RSVP directly to Camille on for numbers
Choir rehearsal happening at Exchange on Saturday 4th 10.30am-12.30pm which, pending confirmation from the venue, will hopefully be open to everyone performing at the party.

Setlist (subject to slight reduction):

Light my fire
Take this waltz
One rainy wish
Deep night
Ecstasy of gold
Il giardino dei delizi
Wichita lineman
Never my love
Love in Outer Space

Re: Camille and Chris wedding party

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:08 pm
by georgianalowe
We've been given the go ahead by Exchange for instrumentalists to join the rehearsal Saturday 4th, 10.30am

Re: Camille and Chris wedding party

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:20 pm
by georgianalowe
This message is for people who confirmed they were coming to Camille and Chris’s party on Saturday:

Martin, Stevie, Jonnie, Nick, Steph P, Freya, Kathie, Stan, Greg, Katherine S, Tree, Fran, Jo, Viv and Sam H. Ole (as a member of the audience).

George, Nicky, Amanda, Faten, Kat Allen, Sue, Dina, Camille, Kat P, Catherine, Ruth, Sharon, Zoe, Rich, Tony, Mark, Sam C.

Hi everyone and thank you very much for joining us at the party on Saturday!

The address of the venue is:

Bogoso/Ennywevers campsite, 5 Boiling Wells Lane in St Werburghs.

When you leave the farm and the « yard » behind you, the venue is just on the LEFT of the lane after the little tunnel and behind the wall of car tyres.

It is NOT Boiling wells amphitheatre on the right where we’ve done gigs in the past.

Access to the venue:

-Bus from Muller Road « Elmcroft Crescent » number 17, 24, 506.
-Car: there is some limited car space by the venue along the lane so please park there only if you’re bringing some heavy/bulky kit.

We are planning to set up at 6 pm so please come at that time if you can, at least instrumentalists. Tony Almond will be helping the group set up.
The party is starting at 7 pm and we need to have our stage ready before that so we can make sure everyone fits!
It will be a squeeze so some choristers might need to sing from the audience.

There will be live music from 8 pm, the FO set will start at 9.30, then dancing with DJs. Everyone welcome to stay until late!

The setlist is:

Love in outer space
Deep night
Wichita lineman
Never my love
Light my fire
Il giardino del delizi
Take this waltz
One rainy wish
Ecstasy of gold

Once the set is over we are planning to bring the instruments to the far corner of the indoors space to keep it out of the way and they can stay locked overnight if anyone would like to leave their instrument and come and pick it up the following day.

It would be fantastic if you could bring a little food to share. We’ll provide some drinks but if you plan to have more than a few glasses please bring some too as there is no bar in the venue.

There will be a sign up sheet on the night, it would be really helpful if a few people are able to give us a hand with some little tasks either on the night or the day after.
