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FO finances - general

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:19 pm
by jessemorning
Income is raised in four ways:
1.Membership contributions starting at £20 per year pp. Members are also invited to donate to the orchestra as our charges are so very low.

2. Each rehearsal everyone pays £3 towards room hire and group leaders.

3. Performance fees. These vary massively depending on the type of event. We try to not perform for less than £500

4. revenue from merchandise such as T-shirts and CDs. These arent a prioirty for the orchestra, more a fun sideline aimed to break-even.

Funds may be used for the following:
- Underwriting events and trips, fronting cash for room or equipment hire. Travel and child minding costs for hard-up members.

- Underwriting rehearsals. Often times the £3 contribution doesnt cover cost of room hire and session leader.

- Commissioning scores and arrangements for special events.

- Purchasing equipment and instruments

- Paying professional musicians. Although everyone in the orchestra is in it for the fun, some are professional musicians who make their living from music. It helps raise the standard of performance massively when the orchestra includes such members. Certain pieces often require a special instrument which cant be done without. The general rule is we try to pay the drummer and bassist where possible partly because their equipment requires so much effort and partly because most pieces would fall flat without them - unlike any other instrument. The bigger profit the orchestra makes on a performance the more money there is to share amongst the professional musicians.. Fees paid vary between £20 and £100.

- paying the rehearsal leader. We currently pay our rehearsal leaders £30 per session which is well under musicians union rates. £50 would be closer to the mark. We're hoping to reach that level very soon.

- Conductor fees. These vary depending on concert revenue but start at around £200 plus expenses.