Plans for 2017

for anyone in the orchestra or choir to air views and find out about stuff
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Plans for 2017

Post by jessemorning »

hi chaps, here's some ideas i'm mulling over and could do with a bit of feedback/ help if you've a moment.

firstly i'm wondering whether to have another week off to give people time to miss it a bit what do you think about restarting on the 16/17th?

also we need to decide the direction for next setlists.

i'm thinking of quite a few ideas simultaneously so tricky to decide how to start:

1. a gig roughly near valentines day called "love in outerspace" named after a sun ra tune we'll be doing. nothing booked yet but trinity are holding us the 26th feb... and colston hall lantern the 24th... this event would work better in all hallows however so i'm waiting to hear back from them. the folk house will also work for this so i'll contact them.

2. the reason trinity and colston lantern are holding those dates is because i'm up for hosting a leonard cohen tribute in which the FO can be fairly involved. I'm not super-mad-keen about this but i think it will be good. jimmy goodrich is the driving force behind this and has signed up plenty of bristol-known names to play already. the idea is we/ i'd be hosting it and probably provide a backing band if not an orchestra and choir. any thoughts about this cohen night?

3. i'd love to do some recording this year.. and release a record. again am torn between doing something entirley original like FO verisons of bristol and paris based artsts OR just a bunch of our best working arrangements regardless of what kind of music they are OR doing something else like acoustic electronica record which could potentially have a greater impact in the wider world. I'll be discussing these ideas with a few labels i know but it would be great to have your response too.

4. I'd love to do a set of acoustic electronica but it needs to be in the right setting. best thing would be to link with some festival that specializes in the field. who's got time to do research into events coming up, in bristol and elsewhere that either might book us or where we could tag onto like we did the 6 music fringe?
this could also work with shamballa or supernormal. we should also find out if these fetsivals have themes we could adopt.

5. Underwater set "the neptune champion games". again we need the right setting. somewhere we can decorate and prject images. this would work if we self promote. was hoping for the wardrobe theatre but they seem just too booked up. the cube could also work. it would also be great if someone could make enquiries to tropicana in weston.

6. animal set. mels been in touch with bristol zoo but no response as yet. any other good venues for this? we could work with the gorilla trust again and use that theatre. i'm sure it would work well with proper promotion. would be fine at the cube.

7. 1967 set - perhaps a good one for kingweston steps, we already have a few tunes from that year to which i'd love to add some velvets, early electronica, and other psychedelia.

8. a tea dance - this would include old time music duke ellington, andrews sisters, ronald binge but also sun ra and other whacky but dancable-in-twos tunes. possibly good for village halls and old peoples homes.

9. Bicycle tour. i've still high hopes to do something in france but it looks like we'll certainly have a little one in the uk, basically to frome. we can relive the one from a few years ago with gigs in bath, bradford and frome (already booked for the 8th july).who fancies helping?

as with the electronica set, all these ideas will be 10x more effective linking in with an appropriate venue or festival.. we need to think wider than bristol... i just havent time to do this research :-(

trouble is we need to have the gigs booked before we start rehearsing so we know which tunes to rehearse (and for me to have ready in advance).

so please let me know if you've time to do some serious chasing/ helping and we'll give everyone appropriate tasks.

happy new year everyone!
jesse x x

"Fashion" by the Fantasy orchestra, Paris

Posts: 66
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:35 pm

Re: Plans for 2017

Post by BrotherWetlands »

Hi Jesse and all,

Happy new year!

Regarding the Acoustic Electronica set/recording/festival gig opportunities, it's worth looking at other groups who are doing similar things at the moment; The Heritage Orchestra have recently toured with Goldie doing Timeless (which was brilliant) and Hacienda Classics with Peter Hook and a bunch of old DJs (which was pretty dull - a load of basic string riffs, repeated ad-nausium).
Much closer to our setup is Stompy's Playground ( who are amazing - I've seen them playing at Boomtown and Shambala, so we'd have to check that they aren't on the bill too!

2. Cohen tribute - not my cup of tea, but good exposure, I guess!

6. Re: Animal set - might it be worth enquiring at Monkey World in Dorset? Probably not the Slimbridge Trust - I don't trust swans.

8. A tea-dance set; my friend Lerato goes into residential care homes to do memory workshops, singalongs and stuff like that with elderly residents. She gets loads of requests for "Roll Out The Barrell", Music Hall-type stuff, but occasionally a bit of Hendrix too, apparently! I could ask her if there would be any kind of event we could tie in to her team? The Rudy Vallee / Caravan type stuff should be ideal!

9. Bike tour. Happy to help - my mum's partner, Mike, might know some suitable venues in the area - he's also an exceptional jazz guitarist if you wanted a featured soloist?


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